January 30, 2010

Brand New Me.!

Chinese New Year is coming..2 more weeks to go from now..
this year everyone like don't have the new year mood..me myself too..i din get myself lots of clothes as i guess new year is nothing to me now accept of getting red packet from the older ones..haha..
but new year is always a big day..this year i got myself a new hair look..not so much of transformation but i would say i never did that before..and that is the first time..
I'm satisfy with it..haha..i love my hair now..but i think i will hate my hair after a one month or a few..
so its new me for new year..haha..

January 05, 2010

KL trip with my buddies..

Genting and KL trip with my buddies month ago..
on the 14th Dec 2009 to 17th Dec 2009
a littlwbit late to post all the pics up as this pics are all mine and i haven got the rest from them yet.
here's the pics:all are mixed up..

things that i bought there:

T's for B
A packet of treats for jess and my pencil box.

belt for mum
tops for me 1



pictures from my hp.:

photos from camera.

gold man in kl

the hotel where we stay.