August 27, 2009

outing with boss

one hour ago i just came back..
went out with all the wayn stuff..
genie and shirley-wayn boss (another boss did not go-kelvin)
ai mei, elaine, sean ling and me - wayn stuff
8 something shirley came to my house to fetch me and then go and fetch sean ling and off we go..
went to Golden Steamboat to have steamboat ..
eat till half way it rain and we move inside and continue eating..
after eating planned to go home d but then we still in the mood enjoyable mood..
so we went to E-gate 3G to drink (another alcoholic day) sambil chit chat..
we really got bored of Genie cos she talk bout work everytime..
but then overall it was quite a fun night..cos we laugh a lot..
no pictures again cos its all in Genie camera..need to ask Shirley go and get from her..

by the way thanks to Shirley for treating us eat and drink as well
maybe next time will be our (stuff) turn

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